This guide will take you through the basics of creating effects that can be used in more than one context, as well as how to make a multi-input effect. Its source can be found in the C++ file saturation.cpp. This plugin takes an RGB or RGBA image and increases or descreases the saturation by a parameter. It can be used in two contexts, firstly as a simple filter, secondly as a general effect, where it has an optional second input clip which is used to control where the effect is applied.

Multiple Contexts, Why Bother?

As briefly described in the first example, OFX has the concept of contexts that an effect can be used in. Our example is going to work in the filter context and the general context.

The rules for a filter context are that it has to have one and only one input clip, called Source and one and only one output clip called Output.

For a general context, you have to have a single mandated clip called Output and that is it. You are free to have as many input clips as you need, name them how you feel and use choose how to set certain important properties of the output.

Why would we want to do this? Because not all host applications behave the same way. For example an editing application will typically allow effects to be applied to clips on a timeline, and the effect can only take a single input when used like that. A complicated node-based compositor is less restrictive, its effect can typically have any number of inputs and the rules for certain behaviours are relaxed.

So you’ve written your OFX effect, and it can work with a single input, but would ideally work much better with multiple inputs. You also want it to work as best it can across a range of host applications. If you could only write it as a multi-input general effect with more than one input, it couldn’t work in an editor. However if you wrote it as a single input effect, it wouldn’t work as well as it could in a node based compositor. Having your effect work in multiple contexts is the way to have it work as best as possible in both applications.

In this way an OFX host application, which knows which contexts it can support, will inspect the contexts a plugin says it can be used it, and choose the most appropriate one for what it wants to do.

This example plugin shows you how to do that.

Describing Our Plugin

Our basic describe action is pretty much the same as all the other examples, but with one minor difference, we set two contexts in which the effect can be used in.


// Define the image effects contexts we can be used in, in this case a filter
// and a general effect.


The snippet above shows that the effect is saying it can be used in the filter and general contexts.

Both of these have rules associated as to how the plugin behaves in that context. Because the filter context is so simple, most of the default behaviour just works and you don’t have to trap many other actions.

In the case of the general context, the default behaviour might not work the way you want, and you may have to trap other actions. Fortunately the defaults work for us as will.


//  describe the plugin in context
DescribeInContextAction(OfxImageEffectHandle descriptor,
                        OfxPropertySetHandle inArgs)
  // get the context we are being described for
  char *context;
  gPropertySuite->propGetString(inArgs, kOfxImageEffectPropContext, 0, &context);

  OfxPropertySetHandle props;
  // define the mandated single output clip
  gImageEffectSuite->clipDefine(descriptor, "Output", &props);

  // set the component types we can handle on out output

  // define the mandated single source clip
  gImageEffectSuite->clipDefine(descriptor, "Source", &props);

  // set the component types we can handle on our main input

  if(strcmp(context, kOfxImageEffectContextGeneral) == 0) {
    gImageEffectSuite->clipDefine(descriptor, "Mask", &props);

    // set the component types we can handle on our main input


  return kOfxStatOK;

I’ve snipped the simple parameter definition code out to save some space.

Here we have the describe in context action. This will now be called once for each context that a host application wants to support. You know which contex you are being described in by the kOfxImageEffectPropContext property on inArgs.

Regardless of the context, it describes two clips, “Source” and “Output”, which will work fine both as a filter and a general context. Note that we won’t support alpha on these two clips, we only support images that have colour components, as how can you saturate a single channel image?

Finally, if the effect is in the general context, we describe a third clip and call it “Mask”. We then tell the host about that clip…

  • firstly, that we only want single component images from that clip

  • secondly, that the clip is optional,

  • thirdly, that this clip is to be interpreted as a mask, so hosts that manage such things separately, know it can be fed into this input.

Saturation Example in Nuke

The image above shows our saturation example running inside Nuke. Nuke chose to instantiate the plugin as a general context effect, not a filter, as general contexts are the ones it prefers. You can see the graph, and our saturation node has two inputs, one for the mask and one for the source image. The control panel for the effect is also shown, with the saturation value set to zero. Note the extra MaskChannel param, which was not specified by the plugin. This was automatically generated by Nuke when it saw that the Mask input to the effect was a single channel, so as to allow the user to choose which one to use as a mask.

The result is an image whose desaturation amount is modulated by the alpha channel of the mask image, which in this case is a right to left ramp.

The Other Actions

All the other actions should be fairly familiar and you should be able to reason them out pretty easily. The two that have any significant differences because of the multi context use are the create instance action and the render action.

Create Instance

This is pretty familiar, though we have a slight change to handle the mask input.


/// instance construction
OfxStatus CreateInstanceAction( OfxImageEffectHandle instance)
  OfxPropertySetHandle effectProps;
  gImageEffectSuite->getPropertySet(instance, &effectProps);

  // To avoid continual lookup, put our handles into our instance
  // data, those handles are guaranteed to be valid for the duration
  // of the instance.
  MyInstanceData *myData = new MyInstanceData;

  // Set my private instance data
  gPropertySuite->propSetPointer(effectProps, kOfxPropInstanceData, 0, (void *) myData);

  // is this instance made for the general context?
  char *context = 0;
  gPropertySuite->propGetString(effectProps, kOfxImageEffectPropContext, 0,  &context);
  myData->isGeneralContext = context &&
                             (strcmp(context, kOfxImageEffectContextGeneral) == 0);

  // Cache the source and output clip handles
  gImageEffectSuite->clipGetHandle(instance, "Source", &myData->sourceClip, 0);
  gImageEffectSuite->clipGetHandle(instance, "Output", &myData->outputClip, 0);

  if(myData->isGeneralContext) {
    gImageEffectSuite->clipGetHandle(instance, "Mask", &myData->maskClip, 0);

  // Cache away the param handles
  OfxParamSetHandle paramSet;
  gImageEffectSuite->getParamSet(instance, &paramSet);

  return kOfxStatOK;

We are again using instance data to cache away a set of handles to clips and params (the constructor of which sets them all to NULL). We are also recording which context we have had our instance created for by checking the kOfxImageEffectPropContext property of the effect. If it is a general context we also cache the Mask input in our instance data. Pretty easy.


Because we are now using a class to wrap up OFX images (see below) the render code is a bit tidier but is pretty much still the same really. The major difference is that we are now fetching a third image, for the mask image, and we are prepared for this to fail and keep going as we may be in the filter context, or we may be in the general context but the clip is not connected.


// Render an output image
OfxStatus RenderAction( OfxImageEffectHandle instance,
                        OfxPropertySetHandle inArgs,
                        OfxPropertySetHandle outArgs)
  // get the render window and the time from the inArgs
  OfxTime time;
  OfxRectI renderWindow;
  OfxStatus status = kOfxStatOK;


  // get our instance data which has out clip and param handles
  MyInstanceData *myData = FetchInstanceData(instance);

  // get our param values
  double saturation = 1.0;
  gParameterSuite->paramGetValueAtTime(myData->saturationParam, time, &saturation);

  // the property sets holding our images
  OfxPropertySetHandle outputImg = NULL, sourceImg = NULL, maskImg = NULL;
  try {
    // fetch image to render into from that clip
    Image outputImg(myData->outputClip, time);
    if(!outputImg) {
      throw " no output image!";

    // fetch image to render into from that clip
    Image sourceImg(myData->sourceClip, time);
    if(!sourceImg) {
      throw " no source image!";

    // fetch mask image at render time from that clip, it may not be there
    // as we might in the filter context or it might not be attached as it
    // is optional, so don't worry if we don't have one.
    Image maskImg(myData->maskClip, time);

    // now do our render depending on the data type
    if(outputImg.bytesPerComponent() == 1) {
      PixelProcessing<unsigned char, 255>(saturation,
    else if(outputImg.bytesPerComponent() == 2) {
      PixelProcessing<unsigned short, 65535>(saturation,
    else if(outputImg.bytesPerComponent() == 4) {
      PixelProcessing<float, 1>(saturation,
    else {
      throw " bad data type!";
      throw 1;

  catch(const char *errStr ) {
    bool isAborting = gImageEffectSuite->abort(instance);

    // if we were interrupted, the failed fetch is fine, just return kOfxStatOK
    // otherwise, something weird happened
    if(!isAborting) {
      status = kOfxStatFailed;
    ERROR_IF(!isAborting, " Rendering failed because %s", errStr);

  // all was well
  return status;

The actual pixel processing code does the standard saturation calculation on each pixel, scaling each of R, G and B around their common average. The tweak we add is to modulate the amount of the effect by looking at the pixel values of the mask input if we have one. Again this is not meant to be fast code, just illustrative.


// iterate over our pixels and process them
template <class T, int MAX>
void PixelProcessing(double saturation,
                     OfxImageEffectHandle instance,
                     Image &src,
                     Image &mask,
                     Image &output,
                     OfxRectI renderWindow)
  int nComps = output.nComponents();

  // and do some processing
  for(int y = renderWindow.y1; y < renderWindow.y2; y++) {
    if(y % 20 == 0 && gImageEffectSuite->abort(instance)) break;

    // get the row start for the output image
    T *dstPix = output.pixelAddress<T>(renderWindow.x1, y);

    for(int x = renderWindow.x1; x < renderWindow.x2; x++) {

      // get the source pixel
      T *srcPix = src.pixelAddress<T>(x, y);

      // get the amount to mask by, no mask image means we do the full effect everywhere
      float maskAmount = 1.0f;
      if (mask) {
        // get our mask pixel address
        T *maskPix = mask.pixelAddress<T>(x, y);
        if(maskPix) {
          maskAmount = float(*maskPix)/float(MAX);
        else {
          maskAmount = 0;

      if(srcPix) {
        if(maskAmount == 0) {
          // we have a mask input, but the mask is zero here,
          // so no effect happens, copy source to output
          for(int i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
            *dstPix = *srcPix;
            ++dstPix; ++srcPix;
        else {
          // we have a non zero mask or no mask at all

          // find the average of the R, G and B
          float average = (srcPix[0] + srcPix[1] + srcPix[2])/3.0f;

          // scale each component around that average
          for(int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
            float value = (srcPix[c] - average) * saturation + average;
            if(MAX != 1) {
              value = Clamp<T, MAX>(value);
            // use the mask to control how much original we should have
            dstPix[c] = Blend(srcPix[c], value, maskAmount);

          if(nComps == 4) { // if we have an alpha, just copy it
            dstPix[3] = srcPix[3];
          dstPix += 4;
      else {
        // we don't have a pixel in the source image, set output to zero
        for(int i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
          *dstPix = 0;

A Bit Of Housekeeping

You may have noticed I’ve gone and created an Image class. I got bored of passing around various pointers and bounds and strides in my code and decided to tidy it up.


// class to manage OFX images
class Image {
public    :
  // construct from a property set that represents the image
  Image(OfxPropertySetHandle propSet);

  // construct from a clip by fetching an image at the given frame
  Image(OfxImageClipHandle clip, double frame);

  // destructor

  // get a pixel address, cast to the right type
  template <class T>
  T *pixelAddress(int x, int y)
    return reinterpret_cast<T *>(rawAddress(x, y));

  // Is this image empty?
  operator bool()
    return propSet_ != NULL && dataPtr_ != NULL;

  // bytes per component, 1, 2 or 4 for byte, short and float images
  int bytesPerComponent() const { return bytesPerComponent_; }

  // number of components
  int nComponents() const { return nComponents_; }

protected :
  void construct();

  // Look up a pixel address in the image. returns null if the pixel was not
  // in the bounds of the image
  void *rawAddress(int x, int y);

  OfxPropertySetHandle propSet_;
  int rowBytes_;
  OfxRectI bounds_;
  char *dataPtr_;
  int nComponents_;
  int bytesPerComponent_;
  int bytesPerPixel_;

It takes an OfxPropertySetHandle and pulls all the bits it needs out of that into a class. It uses all the same pixel access logic as in example 2. Ideally I should put this in a library which our example links to, but I’m keeping all the code for each example in one source file for illustrative purposes. Feel free to steal this and use it in your own code [1].


This plugin has shown you - the basics of working with multiple contexts, - how to handle optional input clips, - restricting pixel types on input and output clips.