.. _circleExample: This guide will introduce the spatial coordinate system used by OFX and will illustrate that with a simple circle drawing plugin. Its source can be found in the source code file `circle.cpp `_. This plugin takes a clip and draws a circle over it. The colour, size and position of the circle are controlled by several parameters. .. _spatial_coordinate_systems: Spatial Coordinate Systems ========================== There are two main coordinate systems in OFX, these are the :ref:`pixel coordinates` system and the :ref:`canonical coordinates` system. I’ll describe them both, but first a slight digression. .. _pixel_aspect_ratios: Pixel Aspect Ratios ------------------- Some display formats (for example standard definition PAL and NTSC) have non square pixels, which is quite annoying in my opinion. The `pixel aspect ratio `__ defines how non-square your pixel is. .. figure:: Pics/kinder720.jpg :alt: Addressable Pixels In An PAL 16:9 Image :align: center :scale: 50% For example, a digital PAL 16:9 wide-screen image has 720 by 576 actual addressable pixels, however it has a pixel aspect ratio of ~1.42 [1]_. .. figure:: Pics/kinderCanonical.jpg :alt: PAL 16:9 As It Appears On Your Telly :align: center :scale: 50% This means on the display device, each of those pixels are stretched horizontally by a factor of ~1.42. If it were square pixels, our displayed image would actually have 1024 pixels. Looking at the two images above you can distinctly see the affect that the PAR has, the image appears *squashed* when viewed as raw pixels, but these stretch out to look correct on our final display device. .. _render_scales: Render Scales ------------- Applications typically let a user generate low resolution proxy previews of their work, either to save time or space until they have finished. In OFX we call this applying a **render scale**, which has two values one for X and one for Y. If we were doing a half resolution proxy render of our PAL 16:9 project, we’d have a renderscale of (0.5,0.5), and 360 by 288 addressable pixels in an image, with a PAR of 1.42. .. figure:: Pics/kinderProxy.jpg :alt: Addressable Pixels In An PAL 16:9 Image at Half Proxy :align: center :scale: 50% .. _coordinate_systems: Coordinate Systems ------------------ We call the coordinate system which allows us to index honest to goodness pixels in memory, the :ref:`pixel coordinates` system. It is usually represented with integers. For example the **bounds** of our image data are in pixel coordinates. Now expressing positions or sizes on the image plane in pixel coordinates is problematic, both because of pixel aspect ratios and render scales. The problem with sizes is that a circle drawn with a constant radius in pixel coordinates will not necessarily be circular on the final display device, it will be stretched by the pixel aspect ratio. Circles won’t be round. A similar problem applies to render scales, when you say something is at a position, it has to be independent of the renderscale. To get around this, we have the :ref:`canonical coordinates` system. This is on an idealised image plane, where all pixels are square and we have no scales applied to any data. Canonical coordinates are typically represented by doubles. Back to our PAL 16:9 example. The canonical coordinate system for that image would always has x==0 at the left and x==1023 at the right, circles are always appear to be round and the arithmetic is easy. We use the canonical coordinate system to express render scale and PAR invariant data. This is the coordinate system we express spatial parameters in. There was a third coordinate system, the :ref:`Normalised Coordinates` System, but in practice this proved to be problematic and has been deprecated. .. _mapping_between_coordinate_systems: Mapping Between Coordinate Systems ---------------------------------- Obviously on render you will need to map parameters from :ref:`canonical coordinates` to the required :ref:`pixel coordinates`, or vice versa. That is fortunately very easy, you just need to do a bit of multiplying via the pixel aspect ratio and the renderscale. :ref:`See reference for more details.` .. _loading_our_plugin: Loading Our Plugin ================== This plugin highlights the fact that the OFX API is really a way a plugin and a host can have a discussion so they can both figure out how they should operate. It allows plugins to modify their behaviour depending on what the host says it can do. Here is the source for the load action… `circle.cpp `__ .. code:: c++ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The first _action_ called after the binary is loaded (three boot strapper functions will be howeever) OfxStatus LoadAction(void) { // fetch our three suites FetchSuite(gPropertySuite, kOfxPropertySuite, 1); FetchSuite(gImageEffectSuite, kOfxImageEffectSuite, 1); FetchSuite(gParameterSuite, kOfxParameterSuite, 1); int verSize = 0; if(gPropertySuite->propGetDimension(gHost->host, kOfxPropAPIVersion, &verSize) == kOfxStatOK) { verSize = verSize > 2 ? 2 : verSize; gPropertySuite->propGetIntN(gHost->host, kOfxPropAPIVersion, 2, gAPIVersion); } // we only support 1.2 and above if(gAPIVersion[0] == 1 && gAPIVersion[1] < 2) { return kOfxStatFailed; } /// does the host support multi-resolution images gPropertySuite->propGetInt(gHost->host, kOfxImageEffectPropSupportsMultiResolution, 0, &gHostSupportsMultiRes); return kOfxStatOK; } It fetches three suites then it checks to see if the :c:macro:`kOfxPropAPIVersion` property exists on the host, if it does it then checks that the version is at least "1.2", as we later rely on features only available in that version of the API. The next thing it does is to check that the host is supports multiple resolutions. This is short hand for saying that the host allows input and output clips to have different regions of definition, and images may be passed to the plugin that have differing bounds. This is also a property of the plugin descriptor, but we’ve left it at the default value, which is *true*, as our plugin does support multiple resolutions. We are checking for multiple resolution support to conditionally modify our plugin’s behaviour in later actions. .. _description: Description =========== Now, onto our plugin. The description action is pretty standard, as is the describe in context action. I’ll just show you snippets of the interesting bits. Note, we are relying on a parameter type that is only available with the 1.2 version of OFX. Our plugin checks for this version of the API the host supports and will fail gracefully during the load action. `circle.cpp `__ .. code:: c++ // set the properties on the radius param gParameterSuite->paramDefine(paramSet, kOfxParamTypeDouble, RADIUS_PARAM_NAME, &radiusParamProps); gPropertySuite->propSetString(radiusParamProps, kOfxParamPropDoubleType, 0, kOfxParamDoubleTypeX); gPropertySuite->propSetString(radiusParamProps, kOfxParamPropDefaultCoordinateSystem, 0, kOfxParamCoordinatesNormalised); gPropertySuite->propSetDouble(radiusParamProps, kOfxParamPropDefault, 0, 0.25); gPropertySuite->propSetDouble(radiusParamProps, kOfxParamPropMin, 0, 0); gPropertySuite->propSetDouble(radiusParamProps, kOfxParamPropDisplayMin, 0, 0.0); gPropertySuite->propSetDouble(radiusParamProps, kOfxParamPropDisplayMax, 0, 2.0); gPropertySuite->propSetString(radiusParamProps, kOfxPropLabel, 0, "Radius"); gPropertySuite->propSetString(radiusParamProps, kOfxParamPropHint, 0, "The radius of the circle."); Here we are defining the parameter that controls the radius of our circle we will draw. It’s a double param, and the type of double param is :c:macro:`kOfxParamDoubleTypeX`, [2]_ which says to the host, this represents a size in X in canonical coordinates. The host can display that however it like, but to the API, it needs to pass values back in canonical coordinates. The other thing we do is to set up the default value. Which is 0.25, which seems to be a mighty small circle, as is the display maximum value of 2.0. However, note the property :c:macro:`kOfxParamPropDefaultCoordinateSystem` being set to :c:macro:`kOfxParamCoordinatesNormalised`, this says that defaults/mins/maxes are being described relative to the project size. So our circle’s radius will default to be a quarter of the nominal project size’s x dimension. For a 1080 HD project, this would be a value of 480. `circle.cpp `__ .. code:: c++ // set the properties on the centre param OfxPropertySetHandle centreParamProps; static double centreDefault[] = {0.5, 0.5}; gParameterSuite->paramDefine(paramSet, kOfxParamTypeDouble2D, CENTRE_PARAM_NAME, ¢reParamProps); gPropertySuite->propSetString(centreParamProps, kOfxParamPropDoubleType, 0, kOfxParamDoubleTypeXYAbsolute); gPropertySuite->propSetString(centreParamProps, kOfxParamPropDefaultCoordinateSystem, 0, kOfxParamCoordinatesNormalised); gPropertySuite->propSetDoubleN(centreParamProps, kOfxParamPropDefault, 2, centreDefault); gPropertySuite->propSetString(centreParamProps, kOfxPropLabel, 0, "Centre"); gPropertySuite->propSetString(centreParamProps, kOfxParamPropHint, 0, "The centre of the circle."); Here we are defining the parameter that controls the position of the centre of our circle. It’s a 2D double parameter and we are telling the host that it represents an absolute position in the canonical coordinate system [3]_. Some hosts will automatically add user interface handles for such parameters to let you simply drag such positions around. We are also setting the default values relative to the project size, and in this case (0.5, 0.5), it should appear in the centre of the final image. `circle.cpp `__ .. code:: c++ // set the properties on the colour param OfxPropertySetHandle colourParamProps; static double colourDefault[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5}; gParameterSuite->paramDefine(paramSet, kOfxParamTypeRGBA, COLOUR_PARAM_NAME, &colourParamProps); gPropertySuite->propSetDoubleN(colourParamProps, kOfxParamPropDefault, 4, colourDefault); gPropertySuite->propSetString(colourParamProps, kOfxPropLabel, 0, "Colour"); gPropertySuite->propSetString(centreParamProps, kOfxParamPropHint, 0, "The colour of the circle."); This is obvious, we are defining an RGBA parameter to control the colour and transparency of our circle. Colours are always normalised 0 to 1, so when you get and set the colour, you need to scale the values up to the nominal white point of your image, which is implicitly defined by the data type of the image. `circle.cpp `__ .. code:: c++ if(gHostSupportsMultiRes) { OfxPropertySetHandle growRoDParamProps; gParameterSuite->paramDefine(paramSet, kOfxParamTypeBoolean, GROW_ROD_PARAM_NAME, &growRoDParamProps); gPropertySuite->propSetInt(growRoDParamProps, kOfxParamPropDefault, 0, 0); gPropertySuite->propSetString(growRoDParamProps, kOfxParamPropHint, 0, "Whether to grow the output's Region of Definition to include the circle."); gPropertySuite->propSetString(growRoDParamProps, kOfxPropLabel, 0, "Grow RoD"); } Finally, we are conditionally defining a boolean parameter that controls whether our circle affects the region of definition of our output image. We only able to modify the region of definition if the host has an architecture that supports that behaviour, which we checked at load time where we set the **gHostSupportsMultiRes** global variable. .. _get_region_of_definition_action: Get Region Of Definition Action =============================== What is this region of definition action? Easy, an effect and a clip have a region of definition (RoD). This is the maximum rectangle for which an effect or clip can produce pixels. You can ask for RoD of a clip via the :cpp:func:`OfxImageEffectSuiteV1::clipGetRegionOfDefinition` function in the image effect suite. The RoD is currently defined in canonical coordinates [4]_. Note that the RoD is independent of the **bounds** of a image, an image’s bounds may be less than, more than or equal to the RoD. It is up to host how or why it wants to manage the RoD differently. As noted above, some hosts don’t have the ability to do any such thing. By default the RoD of the output is the union of all the RoDs from all the mandatory input clips. In our example, we want to be able to set the RoD to be the union of the input clip with the area the circle we are drawing. Whether we do that or not is controlled by the "growRoD" parameter which is conditionally defined in the describe in context action. To set the output rod, we need to trap the :c:macro:`kOfxImageEffectActionGetRegionOfDefinition` action. Our MainEntry function now has an extra conditional in there…. `circle.cpp `__ .. code:: c++ ... else if(gHostSupportsMultiRes && strcmp(action, kOfxImageEffectActionGetRegionOfDefinition) == 0) { returnStatus = GetRegionOfDefinitionAction(effect, inArgs, outArgs); } ... Note that we don't trap this on hosts that aren’t multi-resolution, as by definition on those hosts RoDs are fixed. The code for the action itself is quite simple: `circle.cpp `__ :: // tells the host what region we are capable of filling OfxStatus GetRegionOfDefinitionAction( OfxImageEffectHandle effect, OfxPropertySetHandle inArgs, OfxPropertySetHandle outArgs) { // retrieve any instance data associated with this effect MyInstanceData *myData = FetchInstanceData(effect); OfxTime time; gPropertySuite->propGetDouble(inArgs, kOfxPropTime, 0, &time); int growingRoD; gParameterSuite->paramGetValueAtTime(myData->growRoD, time, &growingRoD); // are we growing the RoD to include the circle? if(not growingRoD) { return kOfxStatReplyDefault; } else { double radius = 0.0; gParameterSuite->paramGetValueAtTime(myData->radiusParam, time, &radius); double centre[2]; gParameterSuite->paramGetValueAtTime(myData->centreParam, time, ¢re[0], ¢re[1]); // get the source rod OfxRectD rod; gImageEffectSuite->clipGetRegionOfDefinition(myData->sourceClip, time, &rod); if(rod.x1 > centre[0] - radius) rod.x1 = centre[0] - radius; if(rod.y1 > centre[1] - radius) rod.y1 = centre[1] - radius; if(rod.x2 < centre[0] + radius) rod.x2 = centre[0] + radius; if(rod.y2 < centre[1] + radius) rod.y2 = centre[1] + radius; // set the rod in the out args gPropertySuite->propSetDoubleN(outArgs, kOfxImageEffectPropRegionOfDefinition, 4, &rod.x1); // and say we trapped the action and we are at the identity return kOfxStatOK; } } We are being asked to calculate the RoD at a specific time, which means that RoDs are time varying in OFX. We check our *growRoD* parameter to see if we are going to actually modify the RoD. If we do, we find out, in canonical coordinates, where we are drawing our circle. We then fetch the region of definition and make a union of those two regions. We then set the :c:macro:`kOfxImageEffectPropRegionOfDefinition` return property on **outArgs** and say that we trapped the action. All fairly easy. .. _is_identity_action_circle: Is Identity Action ================== Our identity checking action is fairly obvious, we check to see if our circle has a non zero radius, and to see if we are not growing the RoD and our circle is outside the RoD. .. _rendering_circle: Rendering ========= The action code is fairly boiler plate, it fetches parameter values and images from clips before calling the templated PixelProcessing function. Which is below: `circle.cpp `__ :: template void PixelProcessing(OfxImageEffectHandle instance, Image &src, Image &output, double centre[2], double radius, double colour[4], double renderScale[2], OfxRectI renderWindow) { // pixel aspect of our output float PAR = output.pixelAspectRatio(); T colourQuantised[4]; for(int c = 0; c < 4; ++c) { colourQuantised[c] = Clamp(colour[c] * MAX); } // now do some processing for(int y = renderWindow.y1; y < renderWindow.y2; y++) { if(y % 20 == 0 && gImageEffectSuite->abort(instance)) break; // get our y coord in canonical space float yCanonical = (y + 0.5f)/renderScale[1]; // how far are we from the centre in y, canonical float dy = yCanonical - centre[1]; // get the row start for the output image T *dstPix = output.pixelAddress(renderWindow.x1, y); for(int x = renderWindow.x1; x < renderWindow.x2; x++) { // get our x pixel coord in canonical space, float xCanonical = (x + 0.5) * PAR/renderScale[0]; // how far are we from the centre in x, canonical float dx = xCanonical - centre[0]; // distance to the centre of our circle, canonical float d = sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy); // this will hold the antialiased value float alpha = colour[3]; // Is the square of the distance to the centre // less than the square of the radius? if(d < radius) { if(d > radius - 1) { // we are within 1 pixel of the edge, modulate // our alpha with an anti-aliasing value alpha *= radius - d; } } else { // outside, so alpha is 0 alpha = 0; } // get the source pixel const T *srcPix = src.pixelAddressWithFallback(x, y); // scale each component around that average for(int c = 0; c < output.nComponents(); ++c) { // use the mask to control how much original we should have dstPix[c] = Blend(srcPix[c], colourQuantised[c], alpha); } dstPix += output.nComponents(); } } } Please don’t think I actually write production code as slow as this, I’m just making the whole thing as clear as possible in my example. The first thing we do is to scale the normalised value for our circle colour up to a quantised value based on our data type. So multiplying up by 255 for 8 bit data types, 65536 for 16bit ints and 1 for floats. To draw the circle we are transforming a pixel’s position in pixel space into a canonical coordinate. We then calculate the distance to the centre of the circle, again in canonical coordinates. We use that distance to see if we are inside or out of the circle, with a bit of anti-aliasing thrown in. This gives us a normalised alpha value. Our output value is our source pixel blended with our circle colour based on the intensity of the calculated alpha. .. _summary_circle: Summary ======= This example plugin has shown … - the two main OFX spatial coordinate systems, - how to use the region of definition action, - that the API is a negotiation between a host and a plugiun, - mapping between coordinate systems for rendering. .. [1] Yes, it can also be 1.46, depending on who you talk to. Today I’m picking 1.42 to force an exact 16 by 9 aspect on a PAL’s 720x576 pixels .. [2] this double parameter type is only available API versions 1.2 or above .. [3] this double parameter type is only available API versions 1.2 or above .. [4] we are debating whether to modifying that to be in pixel coordinates