OpenFX Release Notes for V1.4

Release Date: Sept 1, 2015

This is version 1.4 of the OpenFX API. Significant additions include a Dialog Suite for plugins to request the host to allow them to put up a modal dialog, a NativeOrigin host property, draft render quality support, half-float format tag available for CPU rendering (not just OpenGL), and a new internationalizable version of the progress suite.

A number of ambiguities in the spec have also been clarified in this version, including allowing OpenGL processing and tiled rendering to be enabled/disabled in Instance Changed events, and clarifying the semantics of dialogs and the progress suite. The old Analysis pass action has also been removed.

New Suites

  • OfxDialogSuiteV1

New Suite Versions

  • OfxProgressSuiteV2

New Properties


