.. warning:: This section is outdated and should be properly generated automatically from source code instead of maintaining it aside Properties by object reference ============================== .. ImageEffectHostProperties: Properties on the Image Effect Host ----------------------------------- - kOfxPropAPIVersion - (read only) the version of the API implemented by the host. If not present, it is safe to assume "1.0" - kOfxPropType - (read only) set to "host" - kOfxPropName - (read only) the globally unique name of the application, eg: "com.acmesofware.funkyCompositor" - kOfxPropLabel - (read only) the user visible name of the appliaction, - kOfxPropVersion - (read only) the version number of the host - kOfxPropVersionLabel - (read only) a user readable version label - kOfxImageEffectHostPropIsBackground - (read only) is the application a background renderrer - kOfxImageEffectPropSupportsOverlays - (read only) does the application support overlay interactive GUIs - kOfxImageEffectPropSupportsMultiResolution - (read only) does the application support images of different sizes - kOfxImageEffectPropSupportsTiles - (read only) does the application support image tiling - kOfxImageEffectPropTemporalClipAccess - (read only) does the application allow random temporal access to source images - kOfxImageEffectPropSupportedComponents - (read only) a list of supported colour components - kOfxImageEffectPropSupportedContexts - (read only) a list of supported effect contexts - kOfxImageEffectPropSupportsMultipleClipDepths - (read only) does the application allow inputs and output clips to have differing bit depths - kOfxImageEffectPropSupportsMultipleClipPARs - (read only) does the application allow inputs and output clips to have differing pixel aspect ratios - kOfxImageEffectPropSetableFrameRate - (read only) does the application allow an effect to change the frame rate of the output clip - kOfxImageEffectPropSetableFielding - (read only) does the application allow an effect to change the fielding of the output clip - kOfxParamHostPropSupportsCustomInteract - (read only) does the application - kOfxParamHostPropSupportsStringAnimation - (read only) does the application allow the animation of string parameters - kOfxParamHostPropSupportsChoiceAnimation - (read only) does the application allow the animation of choice parameters - kOfxParamHostPropSupportsBooleanAnimation - (read only does the application allow the animation of boolean parameters) - kOfxParamHostPropSupportsCustomAnimation - (read only) does the application allow the animation of custom parameters - kOfxParamHostPropMaxParameters - (read only) the maximum number of parameters the application allows a plug-in to have - kOfxParamHostPropMaxPages - (read only) the maximum number of parameter pages the application allows a plug-in to have - kOfxParamHostPropPageRowColumnCount - (read only) the number of rows and columns on a page parameter - kOfxPropHostOSHandle - (read only) a pointer to an OS specific application handle (eg: the root hWnd on Windows) - kOfxParamHostPropSupportsParametricAnimation - (read only) does the host support animation of parametric parameters - kOfxImageEffectInstancePropSequentialRender - (read only) does the host support sequential rendering - kOfxImageEffectPropOpenGLRenderSupported - (read only) does the host support OpenGL accelerated rendering - kOfxImageEffectPropRenderQualityDraft - (read only) does the host support draft quality rendering - kOfxImageEffectHostPropNativeOrigin - (read only) native origin of the host .. EffectDescriptorProperties: Properties on an Effect Descriptor ---------------------------------- An image effect plugin (ie: that thing passed to the initial 'describe' action) has the following properties, these can only be set inside the 'describe' actions ... - kOfxPropType - (read only) - kOfxPropLabel - (read/write) - kOfxPropShortLabel - (read/write) - kOfxPropLongLabel - (read/write) - kOfxPropVersion - (read only) the version number of the plugin - kOfxPropVersionLabel - (read only) a user readable version label - kOfxPropPluginDescription - (read/write), a short description of the plugin - kOfxImageEffectPropSupportedContexts - (read/write) - kOfxImageEffectPluginPropGrouping - (read/write) - kOfxImageEffectPluginPropSingleInstance - (read/write) - kOfxImageEffectPluginRenderThreadSafety - (read/write) - kOfxImageEffectPluginPropHostFrameThreading - (read/write) - kOfxImageEffectPluginPropOverlayInteractV1 - (read/write) - kOfxImageEffectPropSupportsMultiResolution - (read/write) - kOfxImageEffectPropSupportsTiles - (read/write) - kOfxImageEffectPropTemporalClipAccess - (read/write) - kOfxImageEffectPropSupportedPixelDepths - (read/write) - kOfxImageEffectPluginPropFieldRenderTwiceAlways - (read/write) - kOfxImageEffectPropSupportsMultipleClipDepths - (read/write) - kOfxImageEffectPropSupportsMultipleClipPARs - (read/write) - kOfxImageEffectPluginRenderThreadSafety - (read/write) - kOfxImageEffectPropClipPreferencesSlaveParam - (read/write) - kOfxImageEffectPropOpenGLRenderSupported - (read and write) - kOfxPluginPropFilePath (read only) .. EffectInstanceProperties: Properties on an Effect Instance -------------------------------- An image effect instance has the following properties, all but kOfxPropInstanceData and kOfxImageEffectInstancePropSequentialRender are read only... - kOfxPropType - (read only) - kOfxImageEffectPropContext - (read only) - kOfxPropInstanceData - (read and write) - kOfxImageEffectPropProjectSize - (read only) - kOfxImageEffectPropProjectOffset - (read only) - kOfxImageEffectPropProjectExtent - (read only) - kOfxImageEffectPropProjectPixelAspectRatio - (read only) - kOfxImageEffectInstancePropEffectDuration - (read only) - kOfxImageEffectInstancePropSequentialRender - (read and write) - kOfxImageEffectPropSupportsTiles - (read/write) - kOfxImageEffectPropOpenGLRenderSupported - (read and write) - kOfxImageEffectPropFrameRate - (read only) - kOfxPropIsInteractive - (read only) .. ClipDescriptorProperties: Properties on a Clip Descriptor ------------------------------- All OfxImageClipHandle accessed inside the ``kOfxActionDescribe`` or ``kOfxActionDescribeInContext`` are clip descriptors, used to describe the behaviour of clips in a specific context. - kOfxPropType - (read only) set to - kOfxPropName - (read only) the name the clip was created with - kOfxPropLabel - (read/write) the user visible label for the clip - kOfxPropShortLabel - (read/write) - kOfxPropLongLabel - (read/write) - kOfxImageEffectPropSupportedComponents - (read/write) - kOfxImageEffectPropTemporalClipAccess - (read/write) - kOfxImageClipPropOptional - (read/write) - kOfxImageClipPropFieldExtraction - (read/write) - kOfxImageClipPropIsMask - (read/write) - kOfxImageEffectPropSupportsTiles - (read/write) .. ClipInstanceProperties: Properties on a Clip Instance ----------------------------- - kOfxPropType - (read only) - kOfxPropName - (read only) - kOfxPropLabel - (read only) - kOfxPropShortLabel - (read only) - kOfxPropLongLabel - (read only) - kOfxImageEffectPropSupportedComponents - (read only) - kOfxImageEffectPropTemporalClipAccess - (read only) - kOfxImageClipPropOptional - (read only) - kOfxImageClipPropFieldExtraction - (read only) - kOfxImageClipPropIsMask - (read only) - kOfxImageEffectPropSupportsTiles - (read only) - kOfxImageEffectPropPixelDepth - (read only) - kOfxImageEffectPropComponents - (read only) - kOfxImageClipPropUnmappedPixelDepth - (read only) - kOfxImageClipPropUnmappedComponents - (read only) - kOfxImageEffectPropPreMultiplication - (read only) - kOfxImagePropPixelAspectRatio - (read only) - kOfxImageEffectPropFrameRate - (read only) - kOfxImageEffectPropFrameRange - (read only) - kOfxImageClipPropFieldOrder - (read only) - kOfxImageClipPropConnected - (read only) - kOfxImageEffectPropUnmappedFrameRange - (read only)\* - kOfxImageEffectPropUnmappedFrameRate - (read only)\* - kOfxImageClipPropContinuousSamples - (read only) .. ImageProperties: Properties on an Image ---------------------- All images are instances, there is no such thing as an image descriptor. - kOfxPropType - (read only) - kOfxImageEffectPropPixelDepth - (read only) - kOfxImageEffectPropComponents - (read only) - kOfxImageEffectPropPreMultiplication - (read only) - kOfxImageEffectPropRenderScale - (read only) - kOfxImagePropPixelAspectRatio - (read only) - kOfxImagePropData - (read only) - kOfxImagePropBounds - (read only) - kOfxImagePropRegionOfDefinition - (read only) \* - kOfxImagePropRowBytes - (read only) - kOfxImagePropField - (read only) - kOfxImagePropUniqueIdentifier - (read only) .. ParameterSetProperties: Properties on Parameter Set Instances ------------------------------------- kOfxPropParamSetNeedsSyncing , which indicates if private data is dirty and may need re-syncing to a parameter set .. ParameterProperties: Properties on Parameter Descriptors and Instances ------------------------------------------------- Properties Common to All Parameters ----------------------------------- The following properties are common to all parameters.... - kOfxPropType , which will always be kOfxTypeParameter (read only) - kOfxPropName read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxPropLabel read/write in the descriptor and instance - kOfxPropShortLabel read/write in the descriptor and instance - kOfxPropLongLabel read/write in the descriptor and instance - kOfxParamPropType read only in the descriptor and instance, the value is set on construction - kOfxParamPropSecret read/write in the descriptor and instance - kOfxParamPropHint read/write in the descriptor and instance - kOfxParamPropScriptName read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropParent read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropEnabled read/write in the descriptor and instance - kOfxParamPropDataPtr read/write in the descriptor and instance - kOfxPropIcon , read/write on a descriptor, read only on an instance Properties On Group Parameters ------------------------------ - kOfxParamPropGroupOpen read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance Properties Common to All But Group and Page Parameters ------------------------------------------------------ - kOfxParamPropInteractV1 read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropInteractSize read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropInteractSizeAspect read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropInteractMinimumSize read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropInteractPreferedSize read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropHasHostOverlayHandle read only in the descriptor and instance - kOfxParamPropUseHostOverlayHandle read/write in the descriptor and read only in the instance Properties Common to All Parameters That Hold Values ---------------------------------------------------- - kOfxParamPropDefault read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropAnimates read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropIsAnimating read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropIsAutoKeying read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropPersistant read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropEvaluateOnChange read/write in the descriptor and instance - kOfxParamPropPluginMayWrite read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropCacheInvalidation read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropCanUndo read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance Properties Common to All Numeric Parameters ------------------------------------------- - kOfxParamPropMin read/write in the descriptor and instance - kOfxParamPropMax read/write in the descriptor and instance - kOfxParamPropDisplayMin read/write in the descriptor and instance - kOfxParamPropDisplayMax read/write in the descriptor and instance Properties Common to All Double Parameters ------------------------------------------ - kOfxParamPropIncrement read/write in the descriptor and instance - kOfxParamPropDigits read/write in the descriptor and instance Properties On 1D Double Parameters ---------------------------------- - kOfxParamPropShowTimeMarker read/write in the descriptor and instance - kOfxParamPropDoubleType read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance Properties On 2D and 3D Double Parameters ----------------------------------------- - kOfxParamPropDoubleType read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance Properties On Non Normalised Spatial Double Parameters ------------------------------------------------------ - kOfxParamPropDefaultCoordinateSystem read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance Properties On 2D and 3D Integer Parameters ------------------------------------------ - kOfxParamPropDimensionLabel read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance Properties On String Parameters ------------------------------- - kOfxParamPropStringMode read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropStringFilePathExists read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance Properties On Choice Parameters ------------------------------- - kOfxParamPropChoiceOption read/write in the descriptor and instance - kOfxParamPropChoiceOrder read/write in the descriptor and instance Properties On Custom Parameters ------------------------------- - kOfxParamPropCustomInterpCallbackV1 read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance Properties On Page Parameters ----------------------------- - kOfxParamPropPageChild read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance On Parametric Parameters ------------------------ - kOfxParamPropAnimates read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropIsAnimating read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropIsAutoKeying read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropPersistant read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropEvaluateOnChange read/write in the descriptor and instance - kOfxParamPropPluginMayWrite read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropCacheInvalidation read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropCanUndo read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropParametricDimension read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropParametricUIColour read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropParametricInteractBackground read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance - kOfxParamPropParametricRange read/write in the descriptor, read only on an instance .. InteractDescriptorProperties: Properties on Interact Descriptors ---------------------------------- - kOfxInteractPropHasAlpha read only - kOfxInteractPropBitDepth read only .. InteractInstanceProperties: Properties on Interact Instances -------------------------------- - kOfxPropEffectInstance read only - kOfxPropInstanceData read/write only - kOfxInteractPropPixelScale read only - kOfxInteractPropBackgroundColour read only - kOfxInteractPropHasAlpha read only - kOfxInteractPropBitDepth read only - kOfxInteractPropSlaveToParam read/write - kOfxInteractPropSuggestedColour read only