Struct OfxHost

struct OfxHost

Generic host structure passed to OfxPlugin::setHost function.

This structure contains what is needed by a plug-in to bootstrap its connection to the host.

Public Members

OfxPropertySetHandle host

Global handle to the host. Extract relevant host properties from this. This pointer will be valid while the binary containing the plug-in is loaded.

const void *(*fetchSuite)(OfxPropertySetHandle host, const char *suiteName, int suiteVersion)

The function which the plug-in uses to fetch suites from the host.

  • host the host the suite is being fetched from this must be the host member of the OfxHost struct containing fetchSuite.

  • suiteName ASCII string labelling the host supplied API

  • suiteVersion version of that suite to fetch

Any API fetched will be valid while the binary containing the plug-in is loaded.

Repeated calls to fetchSuite with the same parameters will return the same pointer.

It is recommended that hosts should return the same host and suite pointers to all plugins in the same shared lib or bundle.


  • NULL if the API is unknown (either the api or the version requested),

  • pointer to the relevant API if it was found