Group MetalRender

group MetalRender


Metal rendering was added in version 1.5.



Indicates whether a host or plug-in can support Metal render.

  • Type - string X 1

  • Property Set - plug-in descriptor (read/write), host descriptor (read only)

  • Default - “false” for a plug-in

  • Valid Values - This must be one of

    • ”false” - the host or plug-in does not support Metal render

    • ”true” - the host or plug-in can support Metal render


Indicates that a plug-in SHOULD use Metal render in the current action.

If a plug-in and host have both set kOfxImageEffectPropMetalRenderSupported=”true” then the host MAY set this property to indicate that it is passing images as Metal buffers.


The command queue of Metal render.

This property contains a pointer to the command queue to be used for Metal rendering (id<MTLCommandQueue>). In order to use it, reinterpret_cast<id<MTLCommandQueue>>(pointer) is needed.

The plug-in SHOULD ensure that its render action enqueues any asynchronous Metal operations onto the supplied queue.

The plug-in SHOULD NOT wait for final asynchronous operations to complete before returning from the render action.